It's not the most impressive shooter for the Xbox 360, but it's simple enough for anyone to pick up and play
The gameplay is about as simple as it could get, you pick 2 weapons before you play a level. Once you start playing that level, you basically shoot anything that moves; that's it. There's no variation in the types of missions, the objective of every level is to kill all the aliens. While this may seem boring, it actually proves to be fun because that feeling of blasting away at giant 20-ft bugs makes it worth while. It's not just bugs you're up against, you'll be fighting spiders, giant 1950's-style robots, giant walking fortresses, UFO's that drop more enemies than you already need, and spaceships that literally level entire cities. There are also over 160 weapons to collect in the game throughout the difficulties and there is a good variety of them top; Ranging from Assualt Rifles to Shotguns to Rocket Launchers to Acid Bombs and much more.
You can level up by picking up upgrades that enemies drop; like armor that increases your overall health, stronger weapons, and health packs. The types of weapons you acquire vary from difficulty levels (Of which there are 5).
The graphics in this game are not going to impress anyone; while some of the textures are nice and the enemies look decent, the overall graphical quality of this game is not to blow anyone away. Still, there are worse looking games on the 360.
On a side note, I want to point out the the number of enemies that appear on screen without a dip in framerate is a pretty notable accomplishment, however once the lasers and acid start flying that's when the frame-rate really dips.
The sound effects and voice acting are I think the game's weakpoint, alot of the weapons feel extremely under-powered and some even sound the same. The voice acting is also extremely atrocious, the soliders you fight along side don't sound enthusiastic and just sound boring and bland. The sound made by the bugs whenever you kill them sound the same and after killing maybe a few hundred of the bugs, it will start to get really old. The voice acting by your commander and anaylst are OK, but not great.
The redeeming quality that gives this game value is the achievements, once you beat all the levels on a certain difficulty, you'll want to play the next difficulty for even more points. A word of caution to those looking for easy points, it'll take you a long time before you get all 1000. I say this because for the first 2 difficulty settings it's pretty easy.
However, once you go into hard mode the difficulty all of a sudden cranks up along with it too, so be sure to collect plenty of new weapons and armor before you attempt it.
If I had a choice, I would rename this game "Earth Defense Farce 2017", because this game doesn't take itself too seriously and that's fine. The fact that it doesn't take itself seriously is what i think sets it apart from the rest. If you ever get a chance to rent this game, I would recommend you do so as it is well worth a rental....or 2.