Insect Armageddon needs a good dose of RAID to kill the bugs, then just go back to 2017 and play that.
Is Insect Armageddon comparable or better than 2017? NO!! They took a creative clever design and said "We need to make it do more" and all they did was:
1. Continually over-whelm you with non-stop enemies (a cheap maneuver to make a game more difficult)
2. Ridiculously long levels - go there and kill stuff, now go there and kill stuff, and 'oh no something bad happened' and then go somewhere else and kill stuff. On some levels I simply turned off the game before completing (and I was winning). The boredom with "now go to this checkpoint" was driving me nuts.
3. "If it's not broken don't fix it" -- Why the need for 4 types of soldiers and all the complexity? Why make the weapon selections more difficult? Another bad designer case of "we must make it do more!" Obviously the intent was to give the game more variety, but all it did was quickly teach you which types of soldiers to avoid. Sure, you can just be the giant battle soldier and lumber across the level killing stuff and win. "Great, I won"
4. The play balance in 2017 was great - one type of soldier, many variants of weapons and part of the challenge and fun was in selecting the right weapons for the job. IA has so many 'jobs' in one level that it really doesn't matter much which weapons you choose.
5. What happened to all the fun destructable environments? Blowing crap up is always fun. IA seemed to remove much of the destructable nature of things where only the more powerful weapons do environmental damage.
Overall, I think the game was rushed, the levels "over designed", and somewhere in that mix they lost part of the originality and creativity of the series. Had 2017 never released then I might have enjoyed this game more, but as it stands, IA will be traded in on a better game and I'll go back to 2017...