Now that I have gotten all of the free NES games on the Nintendo Switch Online Service currently available out of the way, I am now focusing my attention on the free Super NES games currently available on the Nintendo Switch Online Service. Since I never got a chance to play this game when it first came out, this was my chance to see what it was (and is) all about. While this video game is a pretty standard space shooting game, that doesn't make it any less fun, or less of a challenge! Even the Easiest Difficulty level, using all the lives and continues you can get at the start, it's STILL got lots of enemies, lots of fire, and occasionally, environmental hazards to watch out for! Thankfully, there are many different types of weapons available at your disposal, that you can also level up and strengthen, by shooting down as many enemies as you can! The more enemies you shoot down, the better your weapon will get, up to a maximum of level five. Also, your shield strength level capacity (the number of times you can get hit without your space ship exploding) will increase as well! This game features very good graphics by Super NES standards, good music, sound, and control for this very well designed game. My personal favorite weapon is the vulcan shot, due to being able to shoot in four different directions at once. If you want to try a very cool space shooter game, this is one video game I definitely recommend trying at least once! It's literally OUT of this world! Enough said, true believers!
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