if you're looking for a good 3D MMORPG for your browser, then look no further.
You have the choice of 22 different races, and 4 classes, knight, rogue, mage, and druid. The customization is decent. You have a few different faces you can choose from, can change the color of your character, and height adjustment. There are actually a surprising amount of skills for each class, about 20-25. Each class has their own set of skills that are only accessible by that class, then they have skills that any class can use, which I call hybrid skills. So if you chose a knight, you have about 8-10 rogue, mage, and druid skills you can buy and use, along with your primary knight skills. It's a pretty nice feature if you like making a hybrid class, it's not really my thing but it is cool. Then you have healing and teleportation skills that any class can use, so no more looking for a healer!
The first thing I noticed was the loading time, LONG. It takes about 2-3 minutes to get from the character select screen to the actually game, but you can download the whole 700MB file to make the load time faster. The graphics are plain and less detailed then most MMORPGs, but that's just so it will run smooth since you're most likely playing on your browser and didn't download the whole game. I can't really say much about the performance of the game because I have a gaming computer with fast internet, so it runs great on my computer, but I'm not sure how it runs on a lower end machine. It should be fine though.
Your first 10 lvls are a pain, you need a lot of exp and quests don't give much at lower lvls, but it gets much better once you're past lvl 10. It doesn't seem like it's grindy at all, I've talked to some higher lvl players (lvl 20-30) and they said they still have plenty of quests. Skills are spread out to far, you get your lvl 1 skills, some more at 6, the next ones come at lvl 20, and then it's every 10 lvls up to 50. That's a huge gap and it can get very boring using the same skills for 10 lvls. But once you get to the lvl required to unlock your next set of skills, you get 4 or 5 primary skills plus another 10-15 hybrid skills.
Lvling consists of "go there" and "kill this" quests, which is common in most MMOs. The combat is pretty fun and the animations are cool too, which was surprising. You can join a guild or make your own. Crafting doesn't seem to be a big feature in the game. You can buy recipes from a vendor but they're all for lvl 40+ weapons, and I'm not sure if monsters drop lower lvl recipes or any recipes at all. The community is decent, the cities are pretty empty but there is always a conversation going on in regional chat and you can usually find a few players out killing monsters, especially once you get to the lvl 11+ region. There are no mounts in the game so traveling can be very VERY slow. There's no pvp either, but I heard it's in development.
Over all, The game is great for a browser game, but if you're not specifically looking for a browser game, then I would suggest a downloadable MMORPG like runes of magic or gates of andaron. The game is good but there's nothing that makes it stand out, It's just a watered down version of a downloadable MMORPG for your browser.