Earthbound review
The game's graphics are good for a SNES game, but they are definitely not the best on the system by any means. However, the graphics really are not bad and do not take away from the gameplay experience at all. The backgrounds in the battles are quite trippy and are pretty cool.
The gameplay is great, but has it's downfalls at times. Some people complain that the battles are quite boring, which can be true except for some of the tougher boss fights(Especially the last boss) These battles can be thrilling, because of the unique "rolling" HP meter. Basically, if your character is inflicted mortal damage(More damage than he/she has HP) then their HP meter starts rolling. Unlike other RPG games, the character does not die immediately. This can lead to some intense sequences, where you race to heal or defeat the enemy before your character collapses. A unique element not yet repeated in RPG games.
The story is a high point, it has many references to pop culture and is quite quirky and un-serious, which makes it all the more enjoyable IMHO. However it takes a serious turn towards the later protions of the game, when the 4 friends are left to battle Giygas alone.
The replay value is great, there are tons of items to collect, quite a few sidequests, and all the areas in the game are packed with stores to visit and people to talk to. Earhtbound is one of those games where you can find yourself having a good time just walking around chatting to the NPC's.
Overall, Earthbound is a great game. It's poor sales do not reflect it's quality as a game, but it's horrible ad campaign in america. I suggest anyone that is a fan of RPG games to find this game on Ebay/Gamestop and give it a try. You'll find unique characters, a funny, entertaining story, and one of the most epic final boss fights in video game history. Anything other than a 10 would be a travesty to a hidden gem on the SNES.