Definetly one of the best games ever made. Definetly the best RPG ever made. Definetly a must have.

User Rating: 9.7 | Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu SNES
Let me tell you, this is one of the greatest games ever. If you ever come across it in an EBGames or wherever, buy it. I don't care if it's 10 dollars, I don't care if it's 90 dollars. Buy it.
The graphics are bright, beautiful, and make a perfect atmosphere. The gameplay isn't complex, which is actually a good thing. Although the battling concept is easy, it doesn't mean the battles are actually easy. You'll have dificulty trying to decide whether to attack or use magic or use an item. And the sound....Don't even get me started! I'm still humming some of those cheerful tunes. Since games in the past weren't concentrated on replayability, it doesn't have much at all. But every once in awhile you'll pop it in and play the first level and probably get hooked on it again.
So I urge you. If you ever see this game, buy it. You won't be disapointed unless you're some cow/lemming who doesn't know fun from graphics. But if you're reading my review for this, I doubt you are :P Like I said, it's my favorite game ever, but I doubt it will be yours. Hopefully it'll be in you top ten. If not, it will definetly be in your top ten RPGs. This is a game that shouldn't be missed.