Subpar graphics doesn't always mean a bad game.
"Don't bother me. I'm...I'm thinking."
"Uh, no, I'm in here, don't try to come in here, especially if you don't need to use the bathroom."
Sometimes characters break the fourth wall, like the chief of police in Onett talking about how he loves Earthbound but can't seem to beat it and one of the gangsters at the arcade telling you to come back after you beat Earthbound if you tell him you want to join the Sharks gang. One thing about this game that I love is the fact that in Onett, you can get a Hamburger out of the trash can and eat it. The gameplay is simple, the way you fight enemies is similar to games like Dragon Quest but when you take damage, you don't lose all HP right away, the way you lose HP is similar to an odometer, if you lose more HP than you have, that doesn't mean instant death, unlike most RPGs, if you beat all enemies or heal the character before all their HP is gone, they survive. One downside is the lack of optional side-quests but I can easily forgive that given how fun this game is. This is about a 30 hour game so you can beat it in about 2-4 days, depending on how much video games you play in a day. And it's not a hard game especially compared to games like Final Fantasy 6. The music in this game is just flat-out awesome. The soundtrack contains over 130 tracks. For those of you that don't like the idea of listening to the same battle music EVERY TIME YOU ENTER A BATTLE. You're in luck, this game has 10 different battle songs and the song that plays depends on the enemies you fight. This game pretty much inspired the creation of my game Clique War as there are certain aspects of my game that borrow elements from Earthbound, my way of paying homage to one of the greatest RPGs of all time. It's just a shame I couldn't get my hands on the cheat book that came with the game back in the day, it came with scratch and sniff stickers that had bad smells. Issues of Gamepro contained a few samples, Carbon Dog, Master Belch, and a pizza with all the toppings where a few of the things I got to smell. For some reason the Mother series (this game being known as Mother 2 in Japan) was not and still is not popular in America, probably because of the bad graphics which is a shame but it has a cult following in America. The cheat book was a way to heighten the popularity of the game when it came out in the states but even then it didn't sell well on it's release. If you can find a copy of this game (as I understand it, it's rare these days), definitely buy it, it's worth every penny.