One of the most memorable RPGs of all time.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu SNES
The plot:
Ness, a boy with psychic powers, must stop an alien invasion with the help of some new friends.

Perhaps the silliest story ever conceived in an RPG. This game will put you toe to toe against villains like Master Belch, Happy Happy cult members, aged hippies, and grumpy business men. That’s right, no cliches!

The Gameplay:
This game is very similar to the Dragon Warrior series. The only difference is the items you use and the enemies you fight. When you get hit, your HP will decrease rapidly rather than instantly so if your quick you can save a member of your party by healing before his HP reaches zero. Also, if you have high “Guts” stats there is a chance that you’ll survive a mortal blow with one HP.

It’s also worth noting that this is one of the first RPGs to do away with random battles. Plus, if your leveled high enough, monsters will run and can even be killed instantly earning easy Exp. and $. First strikes can be earned by sneaking up on enemies from behind as well as vice-versa.

The Sights:
Barely 16-bit I would say but certainly charming in their own way. Seeing a RPG take place in a cartoon modern day world makes them very memorable. Trippy, acid rock backgrounds are used during battles.

The Sounds:
Simple yet completely different then anything you will ever hear again, like the graphics.

The RePlay:
Well, it’s an RPG so…but worth a second play though for a trip down memory lane.

The Bottom-Line:
“Instant Classic” embodies this game. It’s style is the most creative RPG ever to be conceived. Although casual, uninspired gamers may be turned off by it’s rudimentary style and silly story, serious gamers need to pick this game up. Once you play it, it’s style will firmly entrench itself into your memory, never to be forgotten. Pretty deep huh?