Earthbound is my favorite game for the snes. And The final boss is the most intense boss battle i ever witnessed
You play as a little kid named ness and as told your supposibly the chosen one to help save the world from the evil Giygas. So ness goes around and collects sounds. and uses his baseball bat to kill or tame any monster or bad guy in his way.
The fighting mechanics are fun. Its just like those old pc text rpgs but with the images. you use psycic powers and just basic attacks to win. Its turn based also. But what i really like is that you see the bad guy before the battle so you can sneak up on them and attack with a starting attack.
The game has amazing musical soundtrack. the sound effects are used to its fullest to make the game more eventful and eerie.
The games art style is great in my opinion. The town of onnet is huge filled with all these colorful building and filled with silly looking pixalated people with funny things to say.
The diolouge in the game is hillarious. Basiclly the whole game is hillarious. Like theres a bad guy called new age retro hippie whos one attack is to brush his teeth to blind you. pretty funny stuff right? lmao.
Oh and about that boss fight i was talking about in the review title. his name is giygas and hes by far the scariest and most intense boss battle of all time. Hes basiclly just a wide variety of bad thoughts aand his image on the screen takes up everything and is just very disturbing.
So there you have it my review for earthbound. The greatest snes game and rpg ever :).