A true classic that is still more then playable.
Earthbound is truly a gem in the super nintendo era which is highly regarded as the greatest gaming system so that says alot. The game at it's core is an extremely standard rpg. Everything surrounding the core of this game is what makes it easily in my top 3 favorite games of all time.
Gameplay 10/10
Easily the gameplay is what defines this game. It's an rpg. Standard rpg battle system, standard leveling up, standard item collection, standard unlocking new areas. Everything is there like a horribly average rpg.
The presentation is what makes this game brilliant. In the first 10 minutes of the game you will truly see that this is a game that does not take itself too seriously. From the untimely death of buzz buzz to the cult of happy happy people to the "epic" final battle this game is hilarious. The storyline itself is humorous and it stays funny to the most minute detail.
Within this humor is where it is realized that this is not a standard rpg. The battle system is surprisingly deep and your strategy changes completely with each new character. Little things that differ this from other rpg's make it great. For example if your backtracking in the game and you encounter an enemy that is really weak. You automatically win and get the experience no time wasted.
One thing i noted was that to all extents the game didn't take itself too seriously. Even the weapons you used ranged from a frying pans to slingshots to baseball bats.
A main part of the gameplay is the personas. There are so many memorable characters in this game it is unfair unless i name them all. And a huge thing i noticed was that every character played differently. Ness was basically a balanced fighter and a cleric. Paula is your spellcaster. Jeff uses items mostly. Poo is a really versatile character and there are many ways to use him to your advantage.
Also on personas, random characters you meet are also memorable. From nameless people on the street to enemies there are so many things to remember. Personally I am in love with mr saturns who are surprisingly important in the game
The difficulty in this game is flawless because it doesn't move too quickly and gradually makes it harder at the rate you're getting stronger.
The game is long. I don't have a solid time estimate but it sucked up alot of my life.
Something highly regarded about the game is the fact that you the player are a part of the game. While you prove to be useful this function could of been used a little more
Why this game recieves a perfect 10 for gameplay is the fact that it's all flash and all substance. the mixture of this presentation and the progressively deep gameplay makes it an unforgettable experience.
Graphics 8/10
For the snes it is a great graphical achievement. I would say it is rivaled by only super mario 3 and chrono trigger graphically. The colors and the character sprites look surprisingly good and are definitely not bad to look at in 2006. But in the era of 10,000,000,000 polygon character models and lighting textures it can't truly score more then an 8/10. 10 years ago i would of given it a 10.
Sound 9/10
The game music is great simply. It's not orchestrated by yo yo ma with britney spears singing the opening song but it doesn't need to be. If the music was any different from the funky simple music in the game it would of been awkward. The music's strangeness coincides with the games humor perfectly. Still at the end of the day you wonder if it could of been a little better.
Value 10/10
The game is long giving it value. As I stated before even to the smallest detail in the game there is alot of humor so that would add to replay value. Also after completing the game i didn't even have all the techniques which was surprising considering there were only 9-12 a character so that would be another reason to replay it. In the environment set up just talking to people is fun. This game has i would say too much value.
Tilt 10/10
Humor is the main reason why i gave this game the tilt.
It is memorable/long/deep but this all ties back to humor.
I would make a bold statement in saying that this game is probably alot funnier now then it was 11 years ago.
You just play it and it starts out as a steretypical rpg and considering how many average rpg's have been made you feel like it's parodying all of them.
things that are supposed to be so standard change.
I also thing it was the best last battle ever in a game.
This is truly a great game that seems to be famous 11 years later.
This is truly a standard for a type of game that doesn't come around too often.
It's truly amazing and an indescribable experience.
I reccomend this game to anyone who enjoys having fun.
Fun is really all this game is about