This game is amazing! Better then the first!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mother 2: Gyiyg no Gyakushuu SNES
I just got Earth Bound, and I cant stop playing it! Earthbound(Mother 2), is the sequal to Mother, and it is far more improved. The graphics are more clear, the difficulty is more accurate, and the controls, well are pretty much the same except the movement in EarthBound is more fluid. My most favorite improvement is the fights, THANK YOU, their not random, but the bad part about the fights is that if you are ot facing you opponent, then they get the oppening attack. Lets talk about the the oppening screen of the game. Like the first Mother game, you can name you and your freinds and favorite food, but in this game you can name your dog also, you can even change the speed of the text screen, and another thing, you can even change the color of your texting screen. The first Mother is real good, but EarthBound(Mother 2) is better. If you EVER get a chance to try this game out, then I would try it out, or if you have a Super Nintendo, and you could buy Earth Bound, then I would definatley buy it. It was a masterpice a long time ago, and it still is today.

Overall rating, 9.5