This parody game is quite fun if you close your eyes on some of it's problems.
You play as a self-aware hero of the gaming industry. (reminds me of Duke Nukem in a way by the way of being recognized).
Being a super star in the past and then fading in time he needs to make a triumphant return in his new game. Matt Hazard has a contract with a game company, which says that the company will be making his games and cannot break the contract. But there is one NO - IF Matt is dead, contract is broken.
The new CEO of the Marathon gaming company hates Matt Hazard for making his childhood miserable as Matt Hazard games were the only ones he couldn't complete. So he decides to delete Matt Hazard and replace him with his own hero. But Matt gets help and is on his way to survive the traps and finish the game.
Gameplay is actually quite fluent and good. Reminds much of Gears Of War, but at least here the player can kill almost every enemy with a single headshot.
Music is also good and sound effects are good as well.
Some small problems: quite repetitive surroundings (too many warehouses), lots of unfair ambushes and boss battles are a bit boring.
Sense of humor is quite good (Super Mario mockery was awesome). Storyline is good and together with humorous moments is memorable.
In overall it is a good TPS. Not a super great one but enjoyable nevertheless.