If you go in with low expectations it's not too bad.
About the achievements, you can't beat getting 60 achievement points for just watching the credits. You don't even have to beat the game to watch the credits either… The game was pretty generous with the achievement points and I think I got 700 or so without really trying to get any of them.
But a couple of things did annoy me during the game, first the aiming was just off. A lot of times I swear I was aiming at the enemy and crosshairs were red but still it didn't seem like I was registering a hit. Second, I died a lot and didn't seem to have a full sense of how close my character was to dying. One time I might just take shot after shot and still live and the other I would peak around the corner and bang. Dead… Frustrating but I kept playing.
Definitely a rent and as for buying it would have to be in a pretty cheap bargain bin.