Where's the lasting appeal?
Presentation: Will Arnett voices Matt Hazard and does a great, humourous job. Neil Patrick Harris voices the villain and is phenomenal. With a story all about revenge and hilarity involving a return to video games, it is a well presented game from the get go.
Gameplay: The nice cover mechanics -- that Matt Hazard himself mentions he enjoys during the tutorial he says he hates -- work very well. The aiming and shooting is simple, the controls are slick.
Graphics: It looks nice in it's own way but sometimes it looks like it came from 2007. The interesting thing is the blue blood that's really binary code if you look at it closely enough. It all looks nice if you imagine you're back in the year of 2008.
Sound: The voice acting is great and the soundtrack makes your butt dance as you sit there blasting heads off.
Lasting Appeal: Unless you want to all achievements/the platinum trophy, there's really no reason for keeping this game except for a good coaster.