Very Addicting Not for people who don't like puzzles
User Rating: 9.5 | echochrome PS3
This game looks bad on the outside but is actually EXTREMELY addicting! It is the weirdest puzzle game you will ever see! You don't know why, but you cant put it down, the song drills into your skull and the atmosphere makes you vomit but you can't leave!!! Level creation is the same way, you don't know why but you can't stop. Better yet YOU CAN NEVER RUN OUT OF LEVELS. yep create your own levels upload them to the server, every now and then the developers pick the best ones and distribute them WORLD WIDE! this game takes creativity to a new extreme. some people will hate it others won't be able to get enough of it. WARNING YOUR BRAIN WILL THROB AFTER 10 MINUTES. don't get this game if you hate puzzles. if you like a challenge and or love to create, get this game!!! you'll be glad you did.