ECW Hardcore Revolution Is An Awesome Wrestling Game That Fans Of Wrestling Should Not Miss.
ECW: HR is a great game in itself, although the comparisions to Attitude won't die out. I can't compare the violence of the game to the real ECW since I do not have the chance to see the ECW often.
Gameplay : There is a long standing debate over the controls that Acclaim and THQ use in their games; I think both systems have their place in the wrestling game world. I find the moves fairly easy to pull off, although memorizing the move combinations, even when you assign them, might be difficult. I do find myself pausing the game to look up the move combination, which then can actually make it where I don't have time to execute the move. The Career Mode is nice, but I did find it a bit unbalanced in the number of handicap matches that it gave me. I found myself giving up without a care many times because I knew 3 on 1 was no match for me, especially when it was in a cage. I like the CAW feature and the variety of moves to choose from. While WM2000 may provide more moves to choose from, assigning them is a royal pain, so I enjoy picking the moves for ECW much more. The game moves at a decent speed; no problems here.
I must say though that the Barbed Wire matches can be pretty annoying and fun at the same time if you play them in Story Mode, one second you'll be winning the match the next minute you will be the one thrown into the Barbed Wire.
Graphics : Good graphics, although you can immediately see the collision detection problem. Some of the entrances are lame.
The graphics are great with blood showing up many places besides face and chest and the barbwires make the back bleed.
The blood effects look pretty darn good if you ask me, the blood shows up in several different spots.
The wrestlers themselves look pretty decent for a Nintendo 64 game graphics, although some of the collision detecion problems can be annoying.
Sound : More than 10 theme songs would have been nice. I think the commentary is fairly decent, although at times it is off. More crowd noise would have added to the game.
The sounds are great and all of the many weapons make nice sounds. The entrances are very good but there needed to be more theme songs added.
Like I said before the moves are very realistic and at the beginning of the match they have each wrestler say there taunt there is many different ones for each wrestler. The best part of everything though is the crowd chanting at each wrestler as either insult of cheer. This game is good in the sounds and graphic department. Once the Career Mode is over, you may find yourself creating wresters and using those more than just playing, although just that feature will keep you coming back. If you play Attitude, you will play ECW. Different modes of play will also keep you coming back, such as the barbed wire mode. Wrestling fan? Buy. Definitely worth a rent even if you aren't a wrestling fan.
All in all ECW Hardcore Revolution is a great wrestling game that offers alot in the Gameplay department.
If you like the WWF games or WWE nowdays you will be sure to like this Arcade style wrestling game.