...Fans of the show will want to pick up the game, even if it doesn't last long...
The Graphics look almost exactly like the cartoon, though the looks of the characters look rather dull. That doesn't stop the beautiful looks of the Cul-de-sac though. The only thing that could have improved was the characters. That's all there is.
Now comes my favorite part, the music and sounds. The music in the game sounds EXACTLY like the cartoon itself. Big fans of the show will actually remember some of the tunes that have been played in both the show and this game. My favorite song is in Scam 6. It's the main song played in Know-It-All-Ed. The voices sound like they would actually be played in the show. The repeated voices of Edd might annoy people getting Jawbreakers from the Jawbreaker machine, but that's not a factor here.
There's not a whole lot to do in the game, but it will entertain you for maybe a day or two. I'm a little disappointed that the game was so good, but there wasn't a whole lot of replay value to the game. Another letdown is that the game has few difficult situations. That might be good for some people, but I crave just a little more of a challenge. The Bonuses you get in the game make up more than half of it though. Plus, the 40 Jawbreakers contain quotes from the show, so you won't be left disappointed with at least 1 Jawbreaker overall. Also, there's Ed and the Chicken. You do get to chase Chickens in the game, so that's something fun. Also, the videos that you might get in later Scams are worth watching too.
This game was really fun, too bad it'll only last for a little while once you begin playing. Fans of the show will want to pick up the game, even if it doesn't last long. As for deciding on how you want to get the game, a rent is best, though I recommend buying it if you want to treasure the Eds' hard work in a little disc.