Can you smell something burning... oh... my brain is fried just from thinking about its stupidity
tetris... has more playabilty then this piece of scum stuck on the bottom of my shoe that won't come of by any normal or humane means..........
its just not fun...i couldn't see somebody playing this if...if....if they were being paid to do it... its games like these that turn people into vicious people who go on rampages through the town... if i could rate this it would have to be in the region of negative.... 48912356734781294637819463786437816437819643781643781643781643781647385634554534536545534251543714839107897895742646371647361473774632718643781657831967483617577736478314673196
dont buy this ... don't take this... don't take my word for it just look at the dismal cover and listen to the sound of the horrid scumridden blood curdling name