Empty action, non-existant story, faulty AI, complete rip-off job... just plain awful.
Right... now about the story, its a story, and that is as much picture as there is to get about it. Roughly as exciting as a grey rock with a few specks of bird poo-poo on it. Maybe less. A good story is supposed to make me feel with the characters, but no. I'm not particularly excited over a guy that is a complete Schwarzenegger-wannabe, plus the fact that he completely and utterly makes no sense at all. No insults or anything intended, but I was very: "Wtf?!" at almost every cutscene, making me wonder how much, not if, drugs the storywriters were on. Oh, and every "turn" or pretty much anything along the story of the game was such a complete cliché that I didn't even think "I'm sure this is gonna happen!", due to the same reason that I don't go about thinking: "Hey, the sun is going to rise tomorrow!" Also, I was hoping to be playing a game, not a giant anti-drugs propaganda poster.
I'm going to round this off now since I think you've pretty much gotten the picture. The thing is, you won't be having much fun playing this game, unless perhaps if you get great kicks out of severely destroying inanimate things in unspectacular ways. Oh yeah, and the music is awful. It would possibly fit in a disco... at best. But not in this game, or any game for that matter.
I've played flash games that I was 100 times more excited over than this, truly. You got better things to do and better ways to spend your hard earned bucks. One last thing: I did play this game to its end. And no, it was not precisely challenging. It has the Doom 3 effect (wich is, walk into a room, die whilst noticing where the bad guys spawn, reload and spam the places where they spawn with all you got), wich is to challenge what gonorrhea is to you.
I will however confess that at the final boss I did cheat. Why? Just so I could be ridden of this piece of garbage instead of spending too much time and reloads at something that was sooo very boring.