Great design, bad combat.
So the first thing you will probably first notice about this game is its design. It's weird. And great.
I mean, when I first saw the demo I have already decided- I WANT 20 COPIES OF THIS GAME. And I still have the impression that I should go out and raise GDP by supporting Ignition Entertainment 19 times more. Levels are nicely done- I was blown away by a level where (MINOR SPOILER MINOR SPOILER AHEAD) you drive a Tron-like bike(END OF SPOILER END OF SPOILER END OF SPOILER). It was simply beautiful. Also, check out the demo. This game is wicked!
BUT here's the thing. This game doesn't look too well without AA. So if you can, get this game on X360, because PS3 version has no AA.
Music is good. I liked the peaceful tracks, like Silver Haze
OST is good enough to listen to it on your MP3 player, but metal tracks aren't so good.
Now...the gameplay. I didn't like it.
I mean platforming sections are pretty nice and the levels once again are amazing but fighting is really boring. Why?
Because there are many fights which take very long. Oh, you've encountered an enemy? Too bad, you have to fight for 5 minutes! Of course exploration will probably be another 5 minutes but I'd rather explore for 30 seconds and fight for 30 seconds instead of 300/300 seconds.
There are three types of weapons: Arch, Gale, Veil. You might think of them as a: sword, bow and a shield. Each of them have their unique ,,special'' moves- a movement boost. Each have their own weaknesses which you'll have discovered pretty soon if you decide to play this game. The combat isn't too fancy, you just have to mash [] (or X on Xbox) and dodge pretty often.
This game could have been a masterpiece. Ignition failed by not implementing combat properly. It's a real shame because this game is something diffrent. It's not like Call of Duty, new game from the series coming out every year. This game has unique artstyle and pretty good music, but I can't recommend this game to anyone- combat is simply bad.