Simple Shooter, Kiddy style, repetetive gameplay, big mess... those all could go, but this game is super fun! Must Play!
The concept of this game is that Elebits have gone wacky one night and your parents are lead scientists in the study of Elebits. Elebits power everything even your TV (which when TV goes out, thats when you have had enough and start your wacky adventure!) and then of course your parents have gadgets for catching Elebits and what not, so your dad has some random gun in the house which you have access to. You then have to capture the Elebits by shooting them to start powering up stuff. Simple, original and fun concept!
The graphics are gamecube graphics most deffinitly (we don't need no bloody photo realistic graphics for every game) but they look nice, a little blocky, but nice. The effects and Elebit animation is simple and quante. However the excellent artwork cut-scenes are so cool, very stylistic and colourful. Very warm colours too, I thouroughly enjoyed the cut-scene graphics even they the story is played out in the form of a child show.
The gameplay, which is a big topic for Wii games, is great. As you may know the big thing is chucking furniture around the place and breaking stuff. However there are restrictions placed, not everything that you want to break, breaks, you can't through the TV through the window... the destruction is good, but you will find yourself restricted whilst throwing crap everywhere, as your having fun its almost like you just abrubtly run smack into a concrete wall and the fun stops. Theres enough though to keep you happy, I say all that bad stuff in respect for hope of a sequal which could have more destruction options.
The sound, music is great, a cool feature is that you get a new song every new level! However, this is where the kiddyness comes in, the voices during the cut-scenes are childish, its a women playing the main boy's voice, but she talks like hes 3 even though he should be roughly 9-12. The voices make it childish, just get passed the cut scene voices....
Overall: I like this game, I like the arcade gameplay, level editor, new songs every level, fun to throw a plasma TV across the room. I like the bonuses you get and the powerups and the gameplay gets fast paced. Its an excellent game for the Wii right now, worth buying, but for the casual gamer rent it first to see if its features make it worth a buy for yourself. But if you got some cash & a Wii, need a game then get Elebits. Right now its worth it.