Elf Bowling 1& 2 is an incredibly uneventful and lacking game in pretty much all aspects.
It contains 2 games: Elf Bowling 1 (a bowling game) and Elf Bowling 2: Elves in Paradise ( a shuffleboard game).
Elf Bowling 1 is like a normal bowling game with elves as the pins. The elves will do mildly funny things (and just plain stupid things) as you use your horrible controls to mow em down. Theres no power meter. All you do is hit A when it highlights the arrow you want, and still it goes the wrong way at times.
Still, It can be fun for a while. But its still pretty boring.
Elf Bowling 2 is a shuffleboard game with elves. It has a 2 player mode, which is an upside, But not a big one. This one actually has a power meter (at least i think it does). Like the other one it can be fun for a while.
The Graphics are terrible, crude 2D graphics. The fact that they are free on the PC is a let-down (although for the $20 you can play on the go at least). The sound sounds.... elfish i guess. However, they're still rather crude.
That's about all there is to this game. There so little in content that there really isn't much more to say. It's just a crude bowling game and a crude shuffleboard game. Nothing Special, except now you have to pay $20 for it.