The best use of the touch screen yet.
As I said, this is the best use of the touch screen yet on the DS. I know it is simple, but it gets the job done, and it does it in a very fun way. You might think it is too easy, and impossible to fail, but you are wrong. I think this game is really hard, but nice hard because you know you can finish it, so you try and try. When you finally do finish it, you will feel very satisfied. The gameplay, while very simple, is perfect.
I give the gameplay a perfect 10, because it is perfect. There is no porblems whatsoever. Again, if you want to see what the DS is all about, play this game. You will be amazed on how fun and responsive the game is. Simply perfect.
I have to say, I am quite impressed. They are not amazing like we have seen in some games, but they are very colorful. The comic boob style story telling has great graphics which are colorful and beautiful. That is just it, that is basically the whole graphics part. You do see the agents in 3D, and sadely, thoes are not perfect though.
I give the graphics an 8.0 because they get the job done, they are very colorful, and the game is simple and does not need amazing graphics. Too bad the 3D agents and the world don't look so good.
The sound is just great. If you have headphones, use them. Please, it is amazing how much it makes the game so much better. The song selection, though, is a little dissipointing. I like the old songs, and the rock ones. But, I for one do not like the Brittney Spears and the girly songs. They are not my type, but I see why Nintendo did this. They wanted to appeal everyone. But, next time, maybe the should make seperate games with each with different music genre.
I give the sound an 8.0 because it is just amazing with the headphones, but the song selection is not too good.
The value of this game depends on if you want to beat it, or complete it. It doesn't take too long to beat it, but then you get 3 more difficulty levels that are just plain hard. That is really what adds replay value. You will keep trying and trying and that is what is going to add the fun and the time you will spend with this game. The multiplayer is also really fun. You can have fun with just one cart, and that is really good.
I give the value a 9.0 because if you want to complete it, you are looking for some long fun hours ahead of you. Multiplayer adds hours to it also.
You will never feel bored with this. The songs change, the stories change, and the difficulty changes. If you are stuck in a place, then there will be some memorization needed them. But other than that, this game has fantastic tilt.
I give the tilt a 9.0 because you will get tired of the game after long one play sits, and you will need to memorize in the harder difficulties. Other than that, you will truly want to keep playing for weeks, even monthees.
Overall, this game is just fantastic. I really did not expect this much fun form a game simple as this. Put on some headphones, put the gamein, turn your DS on, and experience what I believe is the best game on the DS to date.