The only killer-app on the DS. This game is amazing, and, if summed up into two words would likely be: PURE AWESOME!!!!

User Rating: 9.6 | Elite Beat Agents DS
Many people in the Sony camp have grown to hate the NDS. It has far poorer graphics than the PSP. The touch screen is gimmicky. They call it a DS "Lite" but it weighs about the same as a PSP. The games are oriented toward a more feminine crowd.

I could go on forever about the things I and others have said about the DS and it's poor game selection. It is truly a poor system, but Elite Beat Agents overcomes every hurdle and comes out with an amazing game wihich is quite addicting and fun.

Graphically it is not very interesting. The agents are not dull but they have far too many polygons to look realistic. This gives it a cartoony feel, however. After coming off a Gitarro Man/ Mega Man Powered Up/ LocoRoco high, this is a quite acceptable alternative to trying to go realistic on the weak hardware. The Manga cartoons which are displayed in the top screen were probably made in PowerPoint, but it just adds to the feel.

As far as the story goes, If you don't like corny, then just close your eyes during the cutscenes. The stories are sappier than a Delaware maple forest in the middle of winter, but I like them because of this. It just adds to the overall feel.

The actual game is of utmost importance, overall. It contains a very basic but addicting mechanic that could not be duplicated on any system except for maybe a Tapware or Palm pilot. It uses actual songs that you have probably heard, which adds to immersion, but they do not quite sound like the actual bands. They may actually be the original bands, but I doubt this. At any rate, they are good songs and the tapping and sliding on the screen does not seem to become dull, for whatever reason. The dancing of the agents is amusing and the story folding out on the top screen is often hilarious.

This is a laudable game from iNiS. It overcomes the poor hardware and manages to use it to its advantage. If you own a DS, you had better own this game. If you do not, however, avoid this game at all costs. You WILL become addicted as I have.