Elite Beat Agents is one of the best handheld games that you´ll be able to find in the market.
This game features some nice done draws. The stages are designed like a comics book, and the agents must help them, by dancing. Some songs, like Y.M.C.A. will have their special dance moves and the agents will perform them in a very nice way. The game is fluid, runs without flaws and has very nice graphics, even if you forget the somewhat the poor-done design of some agents. Still deserves credit for the way everything is smooth and for how preety is the comic style of this game.
It´s a music based game! The sound effects had to be good! Otherwise, it wouldn´t be as famous as it is. The songs play well and the agents voice are very cool and well-fitted here. Now, to the downsides: some songs, like Highway Star are WAY worse than the original version, even if some like Survivor fells better to listen. Of course, it´s all about your taste to music. If you enjoy the new tunes of some songs then there´s no problem for you ( still, Jumpin´ Jack Flash has nothing to do with the original song. In this game, JJF feels like a heavy rock, not like the elegant tune from the original song, but that change was necessary to fit it´s stage).
Perfect. Highly addictive. Wonderful. These words are good ones to describe how the game plays. There are three kinds of markers: the simple ones, that you just have to touch in the music rhythm in the correct order, the drag ones, that require you to touch and follow a ''ball'' that will appear, they can also require you to drag back the ball, and the last is the wheel. The wheel requires you to draw imaginary circles in the touch-screen. This is the worst part of the gameplay and will hurt your hand sometimes. Thankfully, they won´t appear very often so you can just relax. These markers aren´t random what is very good. Some songs will take you a long time to master, or even be able to get a flawless play. It would only be better without the wheel, that sometimes just feel like if they´re useless. Despite that, the gameplay is perfect. And this game even has a multiplayer mode.
This game is short. The main game can be beaten in some hours with J and Spin ( two of the main agents ). But, with the two others ( or should I say four ), it´s another thing. The game will be insanely hard, taking lots of tries to beat one song that you knew since you childhood. The number of markers increase. The drag markers get faster. The sequences of common markers gets bigger and harder and your hands will be wet. In resume, the game is a little short but is insanely hard after some time.
Even if it´s short, you´ll be playing for a long time before acomplishing the 100% of the game. Playing with friends will just increase more to the game, beating the game with every agent is hard, requires training and will fell like a personal realization. Buy it, play it, love it, kick you friends ass and then love it again.
GRAPHICS: They were well made, even if the 3-D models of the agents aren´t as good as they could be.
SOUND: Everything is sounds well, from the agents voice to the songs. But, if you don´t like the musics ( what may not happen ), drop 2,0 points from the overall score.
GAMEPLAY: Again, the game will play well most of the time. If you learn to coexist with the wheel, then you have the best game for a handheld system ever released. If not, well, the game focus on the markers ( your real problem will be JJF when it gets harder ).
LENGTH: Short. But, finishing the game will take you a long time if play it with Chieftain. Still, from the 19 musics, 9 will be easy with every agent.
REPLAY VALUE: It has multiplayer via download play, the songs are addictive to play, and you´ll be playing it for a long time before you master every song.