Fun for RTS & Dune Saga lovers
Now the downside is that even if vehicles and infantry look different they work the same. Gun infantry is gun infantry, rocket infantry is rocket infantry and well you get the idea. Also the AI path finding can be really retarded and clumsy with units blatantly avoiding easier paths for harder ones or just walking straight into danger. Because of this you spend a lot of time guiding your units step by step which is a pain.
As with most Westwood RTS like the "Command and Conquer" games you will have cut scenes after battles with live action videos of actors portraying the different house leaders either complementing you on your victory, bringing you up to date on upcoming battles or fighting between themselves to your amusements. These cut scenes are great fun to watch and give you a bit of a break between levels. Even if the B movie acting is so-so these little clips are like Westwood tradition and the Emperor: Battle for Dune wouldn't be the same without them.