The really great features in this well thought out game will forever be copied.

User Rating: 9.5 | Empire Earth II PC
I do understand what some of these people say. Not a lot more to the "Plot" or the graphics or sound blahblah... it's the CONTENT people!!! "Here me now, and believe me later," as Arnold the Gubernator once said. The features used in this RTS will be forever copied by future RTS's. Some examples for all you RTS fans: Anyone played an RTS yet, where you can easily manage multiple battles across ths map? Empire Earth 2 does it just fine. Shift right click the order in which you want stuff killed, and assuming you planned things out correctly, you can continue building your civ in all it's glory. Building troops up at border, move away to build some more crap or fight somewhere else on the map, only to come back and find your troops elsewhere have been decimated? Annoying huh. Empire Earth II has an answer for that: Picture in Picture (or PIP) in the bottom corner, in which you can "bookmark" up to 10 areas you want to be monitored and the PIP will cycle through each bookmark automatically much like those nifty security cameras at banks. Tired of finding "worker bees/resource gatherers" and having to scroll through the whole map trying to find that much needed resource again? EEII has an answer: Civilian management screen enables you to easily manage your gatherers by simply click on an enlarged "resource map" which will pull gatherers from work or put gatherers to work. In conclusion, instead of just spitting out another EE with only "more units" and "cooler graphics" and a longer game. The dev's actually put thought into their game and tried to figure out "how can I make RTS games BETTER." EE2 pulls away from the standard faceless RTS games and succeeds in taking new steps off the well trod path that so many games take. The gaming industry simply needs more of these people. Bravo!