Not my cup of tea.
Pros: Basically a new interface and different way to approach the game, first thing I do in RTS is skirmish, kind of a way to test the game, there is now weather effect and even season and change of time. You wont see people build a line of AA gun to fight your nuke bomber because each territory has a limit of building you can build.
Cons: Graphic is not improve at all, might be still the same engine from empire earth 1. When you build something you have to put in on a fix location, something like a grid or something which you cant build freely anywhere you want. Road is useless because it never mix with your building, trust me.
Playing Offline in Skirmish is a pain, when the npc get big its impossible to take them down, lag is also a issue.
No new unit or tree, for example: the barrack can only make 3 unit, and the only different from each epoch is the new name and a different look, basically follow how empire earth 1's unit branch.
Lot of flaws and bugs which I rather not talk about, overall it will be a good game for awhile for EE fans.