Almost similar to the previous Empire Earth, nothing so much new to this game. But somehow there's improvement.

User Rating: 7 | Empire Earth II PC
I am expecting a great improvement this game, I just became bored in the first version. They have done it again, this time but some improvements in gameplay. Again Empire Earth have less unique features. Most the concept of the game seems to be similar to other games such as rise of nations, age of empire and civilization. The mix doesn't bode that well as i see.

The game is good enough for an rts. I can't say that it is great but still its worth of playing. It can't match up to the other rts games that I played like Rise of Nations, LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth, Warcraft III, Civilazation 3 and Rome: Total War.

Overall, Its a good rts, a gameplay that is familar, and have some nice battle sequence. if you wanna try this game, go rent and play it first before you buy.