An insult to a once outstanding series
Fans of the earlier instalments fell in love with the sheer depth and variety within the game.
There were so many ages to go threw, so many maps, even interplanetary war! We were amazed at the sheer volume of units available, most of them - if not all of them - upgradeable.
Well all that has gone, and been replaced by a hand full of civilizations with a handful of very basic and boring units, all of them with incredibly gay voice actors (many of whom sound exactly the same), repeating phrases like: "I'm going to touch him with my 10ft.... SPEAR!" and "I look good from behind, don't you agree?"
There are even some military buildings, previously packed with available units (the airport for example), which now produce no controlable units whatsoever.
I could go on and on, but i havent the time or the will to write about such an abomination of a game.
Don't buy it, you'll feel ripped off and deffinately regret it.