Goodbye Empire Earth.
They have failed so hard that the entire franchise died.
This game is a total letdown to the other series especially EE1.
The engine is so crap that game lags like hell! even on the lowest settings! and i have a good graphics card!
It is full of bugs and glitches! i am starting to think that it is implemented!
The voice acting is terrible! they have absolutely no sense of humour! even when you are drunk this wont make you laugh in any way!
The AI is stupid and very easy. even on hard!
3 factions and 5 epochs? i thought EE was popular because of its depth.
When i played this game it felt like i was watching a cartoon.
Another thing that takes out the depth of this game is the amount of units. if i say 2 soldiers at the barracks it says enough.
And i think i dont even want to talk about the gameplay!
What a shame of the developers!