Childish, cartoon-ish gameplay and graphics will appeal to 7 and under crowd... until they quickly get bored as well.

User Rating: 1 | Empire Earth III PC
As true-blue EE fans, we were anticipating the new detailed maps on this third installment and we were welcoming the world domination gameplay. What sounded great on paper, is a huge embarrassing sequel not worthy of demo play let alone actually spending money on it.

They should immediately fire everyone involved with producing EE 3. Did anyone involved in EE 1 and EE 2 ever even play this game in beta BEFORE they released this garbage to the public. Horrible gameplay, zero strategy, cartoonish units, all add up to no reason in the world to play or buy this thing. It's a joke. Too bad... another good series ruined by attempting to do too much and not understanding the appeal of the original.