This game seems more like a beta or a demo.
First of all the graphics are bad, the animations poor and the units design under any critique. The voices and dialogs are weak, with no personal feeling and a slight sense of outdated humor.
There is absolutely no story just a marker:" World Domination".
Udgrades and economic and the world map are useless and bring nothing new to the already existing, already used up ideas. The same things could be said about the buildings, units, gameplay and ""in-battle" upgrades.
The AI is below anything i have ever seen, including games that are 7-8 years old. Ex: the computer attacks your three fortresses with 4 riders.
The quests / missions and the win scenarios are boring and unoriginal and in some places poorly implemented. Ex: you start in the corner of the map, you are surrounded and you must give resources to the enemy, while he is attacking you.
On the world map if you move up the enemies form below attack you, and if you move down the enemies above do the same. They attack together as if they were allies even if they are not.
Also there are situation where you block a road and the computer will march it's units through your army, in which time you can kill all attackers without losing any units.
There is no use for diplomacy or spying, even if this features are available.
The sounds are bad and from time to time you can hear this annoying remarks or background noise that have nothing to do with the game.
Come to thing of it there is nothing i like about this game. It would have been a nice game several years ago.