Not worthy of being in the Empire Earth franchise.......
O. The game's AI is weaker than you for some reason....even though you are outnumbered...showing the bad AI
O. The units' animations are broken....such as how lag the unit gets is visible in boats alot
O. The game loses performance or even looks over-time.....sometimes even with a strong PC setup.....the game lags alot and even hangs in moments......and would continue on lowering your graphics settings...
O. Broken graphics are sometimes seen in some terrain.....such as water darkening if the camera is moved and even goes back to the natural color again thus the texture flashes alot of times.....some texture edges in shore flashes too
O. Little number of units despite the weight of the game (but not a big deal)
O. Game has no originality per civilizations and most have the same units and buildings....
O. AUDIO.....OMG.....The sound effects are nothing to worry about but with some bugs in some audio cards......units' voice acting is good BUT NOT THE SCRIPT.....HOW EACH UNIT TALKS COMES WITH UBER STUPID AND MOSTLY CORNY LINES WHICH MAKES YOU EVEN CRY...OR MAYBE LAUGH ON HOW IT TRIES TO MAKE YOU LAUGH.....some acting is also long for an rts games.
O. Its not serious despite of its CD art
O. The game is not serious like short....the units are not like the ones you see in the trailer but they look like big heads ingame....and it reminds me of dwarves running around the map killing each other.....but not some the units are like these
To wrap my review i only like to say that the game would be great if the game's bugs and annoyances were fixed and that the game is not called Empire Earth anymore...........If you want to play an RTS game that is about history like this game.....i would even recommend you in buying Rise Of Nations or the original Empire Earth which was thousand times better in functionality or gameplay
END OF REVIEW 3.5/10!!