Thought it would be good, but my expectations were too high, total letdown from previous series. Good graphics though.

User Rating: 6.5 | Empire: Total War PC
I'm going to make this short, it was fun at first, but five minutes in i was already bored, unlike previous total war titles. I had always thoroughly enjoyed Shogun, Medieval 2, and Rome especially, but i seriously thought that this was a waste of my money, the graphics were excellent, but even with my really new computer (not kidding, xp 4gb 1000mhz ram, quad core 2.56ghz blah blah, nvidia 9800 1gig vram) even the campaign map was choppy, ingame visuals were slow and choppy , yet my godlike camera moved seamlessly across the battlefield. Tax systems were a nice improvement, but lack of individual taxing left room to be desired. (tax exemptions were nice. :D) Diplomacy was a HUGE improvement, totally loved it! But, battles were lackluster and boring and each one was essentially the same. Overall, the game was VERY slow going, i can handle Rome & Medieval, but Empire was like a boat moving on land with no gas, stuck in a ditch full of gorilla glue. i would add more, but w/e that's the gist of my problems.