Definatley not the best in the series, but a good game none the less.
Now for some flaws. perhaps the most noticable being the atrocious AI. It's odd antics will turn any game into a simple matter of playing as brittain so no one will amphibiously invade you. naval battles have also been over hyped. While fun the first few times, they get hard to manage, and commanding more than five ships can easily be a nightmare. Also, who really has time to build ships when you're training 24-pounders and rocket launchers?
Bottom Line
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 7/10 the musical score is inferior to previous total war games, in my opinion
Singleplayer: 8/10
Multiplayer: 8/10
Replay Value: 9/10
Overall, I would recommend this game to any Total War fan, or anyone who has a mild interest in real time strategy. It definatley doesn't offer an improvement over the series' traditionaly bad AI, but it brings enough new stuff to the table while keeping the foundations that made previous Total War games so good.