Variety and AI need to be improved upon.

User Rating: 8 | Empire: Total War PC
Definitely worth the wait. This game really does rock!! Except for a few things. I don't have much experience with Steam so I won't get into that. My biggest problems come from the utter lack of historical variety CA decided to put into the units for this game.
A simple look at any Sharpe or James Fenimore Cooper novel or any other Napoleonic War era game/movie and the variety of units available is astounding. I'm not expecting hundreds of different units but I would like something more than 4 infantry units for some factions.
Even more so is the lack of difference between the units on different sides. I was really psyched to play this game because I wanted to see how good the American riflemen would be up against British riflemen. Was I shocked to see that not only are those two units the same but French skirmishers have the same stats as well!! French skirmishers were armed with muskets not rifles and it really hurts the accuracy of the game. The other TW games managed to make the units of each nation have different stats and still balanced the game fairly nicely, why is Empire different?
As with the other reviewers I agree that the AI has taken a step back from the M:TW2 and I hope that the developers or modders can fix this at least to the point that a single militia unit can not wipe the field of 4 regular infantry units ( I had to try and somehow succeeded).
All told the game is rather awesome, and can be made completely awesome if CA can just look into their local library, do some research and release a few patches.
I hope they are reading this....