Enchanted Arms is a good first step for traditional RPGs on the 360
If you're looking for the next Oblivion, then you're in the wrong place. This is is an RPG created in the more traditional fashion. This means there will be lots of random turn-based battles. If this doesn't appeal to you, then odds are that you didn't plan to play this game anyway (given that you did your research). For everyone else, you'll feel right at home and pick up on the play style very quickly. This turn-based system seems simple at first, but actually involves a lot of strategy. You really have to plan your actions because you have to take into consideration such things as character placement, attack points being spent, attack order, and so on. However, this never requires you to overthink things, which keeps the whole process easy to get into.
It seems as though the creators of this game were shooting for a style that was similar to the Final Fantasy's of the PS1 and 2 eras. In some ways, they succeeded. You can definitely see the influence in your worldly travels and character designs, but the game doesn't quite hit the standards set by those other games. However, I still was able to find myself getting sucked into the story and its characters, which is always a good thing when it comes to RPGs.
Graphics- Not bad. Shines in some places, but as a 360 game, it only looks slightly better than Final Fantasy X. We expect more. The prerendered cutscenes look pretty good though.
Sound- Although I can deal with it, the english voice acting definitely isn't the best I've heard. The right emotion just doesn't seem to be there most of the time. Music isn't very memorable, but it is fitting. Control - Doesn't require brain surgery. Use the sitck to move around the world, press a button to perform an action. Typical RPG stuff.
Gameplay- The game enough to keep you playing, which is what any RPG should do.
Final Thoughts: This game won't blow you away, but it will definitely give you something to do until your next favorite game comes out. On its own, Enchanted Arms is better than any mid-level PS2 RPG, but misses the mark for the top tier ones. Definitely worth playing.
Its not Final Fantasy, but it'll do.