Once again, wonderful characters but a horrible story. Atsuma, the main character is trying to save his best friend that was been taken away from him by “Ice Queen” At the end it didn’t really seem like it was worth going though all this trouble to save him and many elements in the story don’t make much sense at all. But on to the battle system, this is the one thing that I really enjoyed. It had this chess like feel to it moving around your characters and place them just right to win battles. Much more fun than just hitting a command to battle something.
The Japanese voice work is really good as well; some of it is truly funny. The arc system makes this all possible since the game doesn’t rely on CG movies to tell the story. Instead you see two characters on screen talking back and forth to each other with some really awesome facial expressions.
But other then that, this game is extremely average. The background you’re going to be walking though are all very dull and lack color and life. If this game had a little more development time, it would have been a really cool game.
Alright, it's been documented that in the 360's lifetime it has had a very small selection of JRGs, and what they have has been overshadowed by the mega successful Oblivion and Mass Effect RPGs. However, the first JRPG ... Read Full Review
In life, being the first in anything is never a simple matter. The first child in a family often enjoys undivided attention, only to become the subject of harsh expectations when the second and third come along. Bragging... Read Full Review