Enchanted Arms is cliched in some parts, but still lots of fun.

User Rating: 8.4 | Enchanted Arms X360
Enchanted Arms is a worthy first JRPG for the 360. The graphics are good, and even better during the cutscenes. The CG cutscenes are amazing and full of action. Overall, this is a very good game graphically.
The sound is a mixed bag. Music is great, but character voice overs range from good to annoying. The story is good and manages to pull all of the action into a cohesive whole, although it's no Final Fantasy. Overall, this game is good, but its quality is elevated more by the battle system, which places a large emphasis on positioning your characters properly. The attacks are cool looking, and while I haven't tried it yet, the onine battle mode sounds like a blast. Also adding to the game's value is the golem-creation system. Golems are cool and fun to make and use, but they can't learn new abilities, limiting their use somewhat. Finally, although I haven't heard it mentioned much, this game also boasts a pretty good character stat customization system. Using points earned in battle, players can increase character's stats (or paramaters as the game calls them) to his/her liking. I have also had success in customizing a few of my golem's stats, letting them stay up to par with my party members. If you don't mind the golems not learning new skills, you could effictively keep the same golems in your party throughout the game. Overall, Enchanted Arms gets an 8.5/10.