A Solid RPG

User Rating: 8 | Enchant Arm PS3
From beggining to end this game had much potential. Potential geared in story, cutscences, and a bigger world. Potential that I would say the developers were simply too lazy. It did nail its combat and that made it all the while.

Good voice track, English and Japanese.
Very nice soundtrack, fits well with the areas.

Awesome battle scheme, fast paced, and has a nifty auto feature. Even has a fast forward!

Characters are enjoyable.

Through-out the game, rather than simply using your four main characthers, one may choose to use Golems instead. These range from a plant-like deal to a gothic-looking girl. I was able to beat the game with only two main characther and two golems.

Would have enjoyed more character development for Golems.
Enviroments are highly linear.
Cities felt small
Puzzles are to simple. Boring, even.

*Spoiler* When I fought Kou he was the hardest boss (Early -mid in the game)

*Spoiler* A dog dies... Can't kill a main characther but a dog is passable?

Conclusion: A Solid RPG with it's ups and downs and (for me) awesome battle shceme)