A solid JRPG and the first I've enjoyed in ages, I'd recommend picking it up if you like this kind of game.

User Rating: 8.1 | Enchanted Arms X360
I generally can't tolerate JRPGs.
I don't know why. I played FF7 and liked well enough.
Same with FF8 and 9. But by 10 it just grew stale.
Perhaps it's my mistake for judging JRPGS solely on FF games, but it's generally the only ones the local retailers get in.
Well they got Enchanted Arms in and I was pretty pleased with it.

I like the combat better then FF games, though it's still turned based and menu driven, you at least have the ability to move around some and attempt to avoid enemy attacks which adds a little more strategy to the game besides water attacks hurt fire bad guys and so on.

Won't dwell on the story, but I guess it's standard RPG fare. Guy save world.
But it works.

English voice acting will drill into your nerves within the first 30 minutes so I'd recommend turning on the Japanese voices, otherwise the games fine.
If your into JRPGs you'll likely find something to like here.