Good Game play, Bad Battle System, Exelent Storyline, Long Story

User Rating: 6.5 | Enchant Arm PS3
The Game play was pretty good, there were too many random battles.
It sort of grows on you, but it might take a-while to get there.
The Graphics were some of the best I've seen in a while, nice flashy EXs.
The game is pretty long, I like games like that.
What I didn't like was the battle system, I just don't like the turn based system. This game just made it worse.
The storyline was one of the best I have seen in a long time. Probably since Two-Thousand Two. The difficulty is hard in some places, like against Kou. In other places it's too easy. And in most places it's Okay.
If you play for too long in one day you will get pretty boring, and forget about it. They could have done much, much better, and if I made the game I would have made the areas better and a better battle system.