
User Rating: 7 | Enchanted Arms X360
One word springs to mind when considering Enchanted Arms… Adequate.
The only difference that Enchanted Arms has over any other JRPG (aside from being the only one available up until Blue Dragon hit the shelves) is that it contains more homosexual references than any other game ever, and that includes the dodgy looking Metal Gear sold footage on the PS3.
From the opening cinematic it is very clear that one male character, Makoto, prefers to indulge in sordid activity with other men, thankfully not your character but your best mate.
The references are not even subtle, and don't stop with him either, there is one conversation later in the game revolving around "fisting" that we can all do without.
The plot is cliché ridden but nicely implemented, at least it is first time through, although there is little to justify playing it twice, and the battle system, which uses a grid system for positioning your characters and the range of their attacks is a good one.
As usual with JRPG's there are also characters that you just want to slaughter yourself, even the excellent Eternal Sonata has those, but you can thankfully leave them out of your main party most of the time.
Conversations suck however, despite all the power of the 360 these are dreadful.
The top portion of your character appears set against a static background and talks, sometimes without moving their lips, there are occasions later in the game where NPC's enter the conversation and are so obviously NPC's that they don't even get a proper name, or a unique graphic.
One conversation in a resistance base has two identical NPC's talking and they share the same picture, not good, not good at all.
Random battles also make an appearance, the bane of any good RPG, and are enough at times to drive you insane, you can run away but you'll be thrust into another one within a few seconds so there is little chance to recover.
Its not a bad game, but not brilliant either, the battle system alone drags it out of the mediocre game category, but I'd hate to have to play it through again, I couldn't stand the constant homosexual overtone for a start, if you've got the patience to play through a dull plot with a few hateful characters then it could be worth a rent, but its not something I'd recommend.