Better than I expected. Worth playing through the terrible first hour to get to the good stuff.
I find the combat system very fun and seems like the designers picked their favorite parts from other RPGs' combat systems. The game uses random battles like any Final Fantasy game before 10 (the last good one in my opinion). You have the standard enemies on one side, heroes on the other, but with a little bit more. Each side is made up of a grid that you can move your characters around on, much like the old Shining Force and Final Fantasy Tactics games. In addition to your hero characters, you collect Golems which are Robot monsters that you control. You pick different Golems to be in you party depending on your situation. For example: In an Ice area its a good idea to have a Fire Golem and a Water Golem that can heal. The Fire Golem does lots of damage to the Ice enemies, but takes more damage from them. The water Golem takes very little damage and is free to keep healing your party.
Overall the game is quite fun and meets all the qualifications of a Japanese RPG. I think it's worth a play through, and why not it's a bargain bin game now anyway.