Just couple steps away from very good

User Rating: 7 | Enclave PC
When i first saw this piece of entertainment i was impressed by graphics,witch didn't require that much of the beast-pc-rig what in that time surprised me. Yet soon i realised that this is an adaptation from console game and threw it in dusty shelf, as i though that time, for good. However it made me pick it up again as i browsed through my games looking for some entertainment witch wouldn't require much effort and time.You know, what a heck "I have a game for this long,and didn't even pass first room,shame on me!". Ofcourse that console adaptation thingy haunted me for a while : the controls during game isn't that bad,in fact it's even good,but as soon as you switch into potions or pause menu it makes you search for the buttons witch mean up and down; besides there was the aI thing,witch made some point of game pretty funny..in absurd kinda way ( you could make your enemies jump from balcony or a cliff if you stand right,also standing in water was deadly to them as you had ability to swim on and under water ). But despite all these things i had really good time : the story is really good and involving,you have this variety of weapons and equipment to play with as equivalent to variety of monsters in game,tasks took place in very different places witch required to change play tactics or inventory, also it never got boring with all those nice landscapes and interesting places.There is a possibility to play on both sides (light and dark), and your choice will write history in it's own way.
To conclude this review i might say it had a great potential,and i hope it will be used on next game (if it will come out),if makers of this game would considered to make pc it's first console or to take more time and details to adapt it to pc.