Real old-school action. Buy it.

User Rating: 8.6 | Enclave PC
Enclave is an absolute treat, an uncomplicated romp through a fantasy world at the head of a number of selectable, customisable characters.

It looks great, sounds great, and requires a surprisingly high level of strategy for a hack 'n' slash. Some character classes seem only superficially different at first, but choose the wrong one for a mission and you'll find the difficulty rack up very quickly.

You collect gold through missions, and use it to equip your characters with new weapons, armour, potions and ammunition. Find a mission too difficult? redo an old one for some extra gold and buy better equipment.

Although the game is almost totally linear, something about the gameplay lends itself to great replayability. you'll find yourself playing the same old missions over and over just because its great fun.

Look in your bargain bin, buy it if you can afford it. Dont expect great revolutions, just sit back and chop some orc.