Barring a few minor issues, superb fun
While many may scratch it of as a battlefield 2142 clone, it should be noted that it was in development prior to 2142, game play wise, it is closer to team fortress than that of battlefeild 2, while there are vehicle's, and the maps are grander than those of splash damage's previous game ET:wolf, the game is very fast paced, even on foot, those who have played ET: wolf will probably instantly reconcilable with alot of the games infrastructure, those who play battlefield 2, expecting more battlefield 2, may be disappointed, as stated before, the game plays more like team fortress, unlike battlefield 2 or team fortress, in which it is capture the flag domination style game play, it is objective based in quake wars, but it basically boils down to guard/defend/destroy.
The class system is pretty varied, depending on your game play style, there is a wide variety of roles to choose from, each fun and useful in it's own way, unfortunately at the moment, the medic is barely used, this isn't a huge issue, but it would be nice if they address this problem in the future so that the medic has more relevance or more incentive for players to choose this particular class.
The deployments, which allow you to construct structures within your territory are really neat, they are extremely useful to both you and your team mates and not a gimmick for show.
Of course, each class, vehicles and deployment has a rock/paper/scissors rules each with there strengths and there Achilles heel, this makes for some interesting game play.
Graphically the game has a few issues also, while using my ATI card, along with the hotfix provided, upon entering a game, the computer stutters for several seconds with patchy, then they quickly sharpen and the game runs silky smooth, again, while not a major problem, it could become quickly bothersome in the future. The models and animations look great, the weapons designs for both the humans and the strogg are unique to each class, certain classic weapons such the rail gun and nail gun make reappearance's in the game. Unfortunately the scenery is not particularly impressive due the problem previously stated.
I've been playing this for a few hours, and really enjoying it, the game may not be for everyones taste, if you are a battlefield player or a team fortress player looking for something a little different, this is worth checking out, if you are a quake player, or an ET player, this is a must.