User Rating: 9 | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PC
I can not stop playing it. Its well made and kees you glued. The good, Big maps , nice weapons , smooth game play, addrenalin boosting mega fun. The bad, Cant stop playing it. I never imagined it to be this good, you get the release date and think that the hype is way too much, you get it and play it and come to the conclusion that the HYPE WAS NOT ENOUGH.
I never liked mutyplayer games but this is really worth it. I will play this till my fingers bleed and get bloodshot eyes. The maps rock, the vehicles are great and the missions are realy challenging, some guys take it seriously playing it and I like that. Differant ppl have other goals, like snipers and aggressors so the action is endles and you get just as much game play in structures as you do in the open.

Buy it play it and you'll see, IT ROCKS