Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a si-fi fps that is one of the worst shooters of 2008

User Rating: 5.5 | Enemy Territory: Quake Wars PS3
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars is a shooter very similar to games like the battlefield series and should not be picked up because it is located in the Quake universe

PROS:weapons for the strogg(aliens) are pretty cool looking, average map design

CONS:terrible AI,horrible graphics for a next generation console,no single player campaign,boring firefights, terrible vehicle controls(especially in flying vehicles)

enemy territory only has a skrimish mode for both single and multiplayer. The more I played it the more boring it got. The AI is bad
the guns are weak, and the maps are large but the battle only takes place in one very small area. Multiplayer is basically the same as single player except with people instead of bots. and no multiplayer has no upgarding system or anything(except a worthless experience) My advice: If you are looking for a good si-fi shooter, GET SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!! Trust me you will not miss out on anything Thanks for reading and hope this helped.

If you have any questions about this or my other reviews, you can email me at red_dawn345@yahoo.com or you can send me a message on the playstaion network. My username is Altairian(I know its a terrible name but i don't know how to change it)